Saturday, December 19, 2009

Celebrity Youth Hunt Friday Evening and Saturday

Friday evening, the winners of the Celebrity Duck

Hunt enjoyed dinner and a duck calling session by Tim Grounds.

Olivia Thoele, Garrett Brockbill, Jake Wills, Connor Webster, Morgan Lanman and Wade Steele were the lucky winners of a hunt with a celebrity.

Scott Huschle (Saturdays, 7 a.m. 101.3 WMCI) and his son, Zach, along with Chuck LaFore and his son, Kodie arrived early and asembled hunting bags for all the kids.

We had an all-star lineup of celebs for the kids to hunt with: Tim Grounds, John Mabry and his son, J.T., Chris Aiken, Dan Cox, Larry Reid ("Outdoors" Sundays at noon on 1570, WBGZ), Curt Hicken and Marc Miller (Director of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources). Kirk Stirens and his son, Erik, represented Gander Mountain. Gretchen Steele from Coulterville and David Horning from Eldorado photographed the event.

Murph, Jack Anstedt, Jim Metter and Jeff all came this morning to help in the pits and get everyone where they were going. For all the world, it appeared that it would be a duck slamming day. Wind, snow, rain - we had all the makings of a great hunt -- but the ducks outfooled us and we didn't have the morning we predicted. There were some ducks shot, but not what we had hoped for. Regardless, all the kids had a great time and left happy hunters looking forward to another day of duck hunting.

Many thanks to everyone who helped make this such a special evening and day for the kids!

Jill loved these kids! They all said dinner was great and my tacos for lunch were the BEST! What more could a kitchen slave ask for?

Olivia - brave girl to hang with the guys!

1 comment:

  1. I can't say enough wonderful things about your facility and everyone there! I'm thankful the opportunity to be part of such a great event. Thanks again for the superb food, great hospitality, and all the hard work that went into making this event such a success and great time for the kids and guests!
